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Głogowskie Forum Historyczne
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Ważne nazwiska w dziejach Głogowa - Adolf i Frieda Bunke

Alicja - 2012-04-06, 00:32
Temat postu: Adolf i Frieda Bunke
Jak wynika z informacji Yad Vashem, Adolf Bunke od urodzenia do ukończenia 30 lat wraz z rodzin± mieszkał w Głogowie...

Adolf Bunke was a lawyer, born in 1904 in Glogau, Lower Silesia (today Głogów, Poland). He and his wife were members of the Confessing Church, established to oppose the Nazi regime’s attempts to Nazify the Protestant church. At the same time Bunke became a member of the Nazi party, but in 1935 he protested officially that a Protestant pastor had been vilified by the Stuermer, the Nazi party propaganda newspaper. Consequently he was accused of “preventing the party from battling against the Jewish influence on the fate of the German nation”, and was sent to concentration camp. In 1937 he was freed from Buchenwald. His family left Glogau and settled in Bloestau, East Prussia.

Więcej na stronie Instytutu:

Alicja - 2013-11-10, 21:02

Kilka informacji na temat odebrania tytułu można znaleĽć również tutaj: http://www.juedische-allg...le/view/id/9576

Wg dokumentów publikowanych przez Instytut Yad Vashem, małżeństwo Bunke zostało uznane za Sprawiedliwych w 2009 r.

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